How To Write A Pillar Page (With SEO Writing Tips!)

Standing out online is tough, but creating a robust digital presence is crucial. One of the best strategies? SEO writing and content pillar pages. Pillar pages act as comprehensive guides on core topics, linking to detailed content pieces called topic clusters. This not only organizes content but also enhances user experience and improves search engine rankings.

But why are they so important, and how do you start writing them? We’re so glad you asked!

Pillar pages establish your website as an authoritative source, boosting visibility and driving organic traffic. They create a strong SEO foundation by covering all aspects of a topic in one place, signaling to search engines that your site is valuable. This interconnected structure enhances visibility, increases traffic and leads to higher engagement and conversions. That’s why our Blue Compass team has come up with a step-by step process so you can feel confident about writing a pillar page for your website. So let’s dive in!

6 Writing Tips For Creating SEO Optimized Content Pillar Pages

Because websites are the most important marketing tool, following SEO best practices is an important piece of your plan. By incorporating relevant keywords in your website copy, you will attract your target audience by appearing at the top of search engines. These six simple and effective tips will help you create SEO-optimized content pillar pages so you can stand out from your competitors.

While there are many ways to approach writing, our straightforward framework will provide clear steps so your content can be found and valued by your audience. Whether you're an experienced writer or just getting started with SEO, these tips will give you the direction you need to create successful pillar pages.

1. Select A Broad Topic For Your Content Pillar Page

Start by writing content that is broad enough to create various subtopics but specific enough to be covered in depth. For example, content marketing is a broad topic that can be split into multiple subtopics like:

  • Video content
  • Social media strategies
  • Blog writing
  • And more

The possibilities for subtopics are endless! Your broad topic should also address the common questions and pain points, and how to resolve them. This helps make your pillar piece seen as an authoritative source on the subject.

2. Conduct Keyword Research To Include SEO Optimized Content

Keyword research is the cornerstone for a successful SEO and content strategy. Identifying primary keywords using Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs or SE Ranking, can help find keywords to target that have high search volume and low competition. Writing a list of long-tail and related keywords can provide insight on what your subtopics could be about. Thorough keyword research ensures that your content is optimized for search engines and attracts the right audience. For example, if you were writing a subtopic about how to create video content, you could select various keywords like video production, content creation, filming techniques and camera equipment to enhance your SEO strategy, attract a targeted audience and improve the discoverability of your blog on search engines.

3. Build The Outline & Include Topic Clusters

A well-structured pillar page enhances readability and user engagement. Start by outlining the main sections and subtopics you want to cover. Each section should address a specific aspect of the main topic, providing detailed and valuable information. An effective structure might include an introduction, various detailed sections on subtopics, and a conclusion. For example, if your pillar page is about content marketing, your sections might include:

  • Types of content marketing
  • Developing a content strategy
  • Content distribution
  • Measuring success
  • And more

Including topic clusters is an SEO best practice we recommend adding to your website’s content. Each cluster content should link back to the pillar page, and the pillar page should link out to these clusters. This interlinking not only enhances user navigation but also improves SEO by creating a clear, organized structure for search engines to crawl. By building a pillar page outline with well-defined sections and integrating topic clusters, you create a cohesive content network that establishes authority, boosts search engine rankings and enhances user experience.

Why Are Topic Clusters Included In Our Writing Tips?

Topic clusters are additional content that dive deeper into information around a pillar page’s main topic. The pillar page links out to the topic clusters and provide detailed insights, creating an interconnected network that enhances search engine visibility and user experience.

By organizing your content around a central pillar page, which broadly covers a core topic, and linking it to related cluster content that delves into specific subtopics, you demonstrate to search engines that your site is a comprehensive resource on the subject. This approach offers several benefits in SEO writing:

  • Improve Site Structure For SEO Writing: Topic clusters help search engines understand the structure and content of your site. By interlinking a central pillar page with cluster content, you signal to search engines that you have comprehensive coverage of a particular topic, which can lead to higher rankings in search results.
  • Enhanced SEO For Content Pillar Pages: Topic clusters create a well-organized, easy-to-navigate structure for your website. Users can easily find related content, which keeps them engaged and encourages them to explore more pages on your site. This increases the engagement rate and time spent on your site, both of which are positive signals to search engines.
  • Increased User Engagement With SEO Optimized Content: By covering a topic in depth through a combination of pillar pages and cluster content, you establish your site as an authoritative source of information. This can lead to more backlinks from other reputable sites, further boosting your SEO efforts and credibility.
  • Optimize SEO Content With Efficient Keyword Targeting: Topic clusters allow you to target a broad range of related keywords without keyword stuffing. The pillar page can target broader keywords, while the cluster content can focus on long-tail keywords, covering more search queries and attracting a diverse audience.

4. Write Engaging Content For Your Pillar Page

This is the step where you can begin to let your creative juices flow! Engaging content is essential for keeping readers interested and encouraging them to spend more time on your page. Start with a compelling introduction that provides a brief overview of the topic and explains what readers will learn from the page. Each main section should be thoroughly researched and well-written, offering valuable insights and practical advice. Use headers (H2, H3, etc.) to organize the content and make it easier to scan. Include internal links and backlinks to related blog posts or subpages for readers who want to explore specific subtopics in more detail. High-quality content not only engages readers but also enhances your page's authority and relevance on Google SERPs.

5. Add Visuals To The Content Pillar Page

When thinking about how to write a pillar page, visual elements such as images, infographics, videos, and diagrams are often forgotten. The truth is they actually play a crucial role in enhancing the readability and appeal of your pillar page. Visuals help break up large blocks of text, making the content more digestible and engaging for your website visitors. Use relevant images to illustrate key points, infographics to present complex information visually and videos to provide in-depth explanations or demonstrations of a product. Ensure that all visuals are high-quality and relevant to the content. Additionally, use descriptive alt text for images, incorporating relevant keywords to improve SEO and accessibility.

6. Regularly Update Your Page With SEO Optimized Content

A pillar page should be a living document that evolves with new information and trends. Regularly update your page with fresh content, new links and additional resources to keep it relevant and valuable to visitors. We recommend monitoring changes in your industry and incorporating new insights and developments into your pillar page. Regular updates not only keep your content current but also signal to search engines that your page is actively maintained, which can improve its SEO ranking. Finally, continue to engage with your audience by asking for feedback and incorporating their suggestions into your updates!

Benefits Of Incorporating Content Pillar Pages

Content pillar pages are game-changers for your website and SEO. These comprehensive pages organize and link to related subtopics, enhancing user experience and search engine rankings. By creating pillar pages, you establish your site as an authoritative source, driving more organic traffic and reducing bounce rates. The strategic linking fosters a cohesive site structure that search engines favor, boosting your SEO value. Investing in content pillar pages leads to higher rankings, more traffic and better engagement, making it essential for a successful digital marketing strategy.

Blue Compass Can Provide Additional Writing Tips On How To Write A Pillar Page

Ready to boost your SEO with expertly crafted pillar pages? Our SEO experts help you transform your site into an authoritative source that attracts and retains visitors. Contact us today to discover how we can support you in creating high-value pillar pages that elevate your SEO strategy!

headshot of Elizabeth Cash.
Elizabeth Cash

Elizabeth, a digital marketing specialist at Blue Compass, graduated from Drake University with degrees in Marketing and Management, concentrating in marketing analytics. She enjoys staying up-to-date on the latest digital marketing strategies to ensure our clients see continued success with their digital campaigns.